Baseball Lighting Design
Baseball and softball games require proper lighting to ensure a safe and enjoyable playing experience for everyone involved. In this article is for the essential factors to consider when doing baseball lighting design. LED Sports Lighting LED…
Photometric calculations in the photometric plan
Introduction Photometric calculations play an essential part in any photometric plan and with right decisions we can ensure aesthetics, safety, and productivity of a space. To achieve an effective lighting design, photometric calculations are essential. In this…
The Essential Guide to Lighting Controls
Lighting Controls Efficient Lighting Control Solutions In the lighting design process other than a professional photometric plan it is crucial to specify good lighting control in your lighting projects. Lighting controls have become increasingly popular in recent…
Circadian Rhythm: A Guide to Enhanced Well-being
Introduction In the rhythm of life – circadian rhythm, there’s a natural beat that guides our sleep, wakefulness, and overall well-being — the circadian rhythm. This 24-hour cycle, deeply ingrained in our biology, orchestrates a symphony of…